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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Christmas Day

Christmas morning with friends and family - Poppa, Teddy, Larry and Bruno.

Santa wasn't sure where we were going to be waking up on Christmas day so he hedged his bets and left presents at Poppa's house, and at Auntie Emma, Uncle Robert and Auntie Debbie's place, and lots of them, so we were opening them for most of the day.

Christmas lunch in her new tent, in the lounge!
 I'm sure there's something else in the bottom of this bag I just can't quite reach it.
Who needs presents, this is a great bag. Nana seems slightly less impressed.

With Uncle Robert, Auntie Marta, Mihai (boyfriend of cousin Lena?) and Uncle Peter, and a loaded water pistol. I sometimes wonder about Santa's choice of presents.

Christmas Eve

We visited Mel and Wayne just south of Auckland overnight on 23rd. Donna used to work with Mel in Rangiora. Here is Amy saying goodbye to her new best friend Luca, who's about a year older. She's starting to get a lot more social. His little brother Nico was a bit too young though.

Getting ready for Santa - sprinkling reindeer dust on the lawn, and a drink and a mince pie for Santa, and a carrot for Rudolf too.