Our little baby girl Amy was born prematurely at 7.55 am Friday 16th March in Wellington Hospital (Christchurch was full,) weighing a mere 2.3 kg (about 5lb 1oz in old money.) Donna is being discharged today, but Amy will be in an incubator until she gets a bit bigger. Unfortunately due to a very traumatic and prolonged OP (wrong way round) delivery she has a bit of an elongated head. This will soon

go back to normal we're told. In these first two shots she is just 20 minutes old

After 27 hours, she's looking better but is hooked up to monitors, a feeding tube through her nose and an IV drip in her arm (hence the bandage.)

These other three are taken on her 4th day, after her IV had been removed. Shortly afterwars she had a breathing tube inserted as she was tending to slow down a bit too much at times. This should be gone soon.
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